
116 documenten

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  1. Placing together of foreign national criminal detainees with no lawful residence in The Netherlands

    Publication | 08-10-2008

  2. Amendment to the Youth Custodial Institutions (Framework) Act

    Publication | 30-09-2008

  3. Forensic psychiatric supervision

    Publication | 06-09-2008

  4. Detention of foreign nationals

    Publication | 16-06-2008

  5. Decree on the supervision of telephone calls in correctional institutions

    Publication | 30-05-2008

  6. More than one to a cell?

    Publication | 15-05-2008

  7. Detainees with mental disabilities

    Publication | 15-05-2008

  8. Long stay, follow-up recommendations

    Publication | 29-04-2008

  9. Life imprisonment, follow-up recommendation

    Publication | 29-04-2008

  10. Children, parents and government intervention

    Publication | 15-02-2008