
116 documenten

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  1. Second memorandum of amendment to the Compulsory Mental Health Care Act (Wvggz)

    Publication | 19-11-2015

  2. Prenatal child protection and the government's role

    Publication | 15-06-2015

  3. A different perspective

    Publication | 10-03-2015

  4. Financial supervision of persistant young offenders

    Publication | 30-01-2015

  5. The probation system

    Publication | 15-01-2015

  6. Procedure for individuals having to report themselves

    Publication | 09-07-2014

  7. Home for abandoned infants and baby house

    Publication | 30-06-2014

  8. Draft decree amending the penal measure and the decree on non-custodial deprivation of liberty and social security

    Publication | 16-06-2014

  9. Draft decision on the amendment of the judicial data and criminal records act, the police data act and the civil aviation (security) decree

    Publication | 23-04-2014

  10. Draft bills and draft order in council 'lawyer and police interrogation'

    Publication | 26-03-2014