
116 documenten

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  1. Draft legislative proposal Amendment of the Custodial Institutions Act

    Publication | 07-03-2014

  2. Bill on repatriation and administrative detention of foreign nationals

    Publication | 20-02-2014

  3. Juvenile criminal law, neuroscience and ethics

    Publication | 17-02-2014

  4. Draught bill reviewing the implementation of criminal court decisions

    Publication | 30-01-2014

  5. Implementation decree youth act advice

    Publication | 19-12-2013

  6. Educational order for juveniles

    Publication | 12-11-2013

  7. Probation by right

    Publication | 17-10-2013

  8. Draft bill for the act establishing the council for the application of criminal justice and protection of juveniles

    Publication | 30-09-2013

  9. Draft implementing decree adolescent criminal law

    Publication | 28-08-2013

  10. Amendment of the regulation on the selection, placement and transfer of detainees

    Publication | 14-08-2013