
116 documenten

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  1. Draft regulation costs of education of detainees

    Publication | 25-06-2013

  2. Amendments custodial institution act and other

    Publication | 15-05-2013

  3. Recommendation on the draft amendment to the penitentiaries model regulations

    Publication | 15-05-2013

  4. Draft bill electronic detention

    Publication | 02-05-2013

  5. Administrative information flows concerning former prisoners: improve targeting

    Publication | 04-04-2013

  6. Draft change to the regulations on selection, placement and transfer of detainees

    Publication | 08-02-2013

  7. Detainees with a minor mental impairment

    Publication | 07-01-2013

  8. Forensic care during detention

    Publication | 27-09-2012

  9. Transport of detainees and their property

    Publication | 25-06-2012

  10. Long-term supervision

    Publication | 31-05-2012