
116 documenten

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  1. Tbs leave regulations a response to the draft regulations

    Publication | 16-08-2010

  2. Development of the regime in institutions for foreign nationals detained under criminal law

    Publication | 09-07-2010

  3. Direction for volunteer policy within the framework of the application of sanctions

    Publication | 08-06-2010

  4. Use of libido-inhibiting medicines in the context of placement under a hospital order

    Publication | 21-04-2010

  5. Code for reporting domestic violence and child abuse

    Publication | 07-04-2010

  6. Legislative proposal on lesbian parenthood

    Publication | 19-03-2010

  7. Amendment of the community service for young offenders decree

    Publication | 05-03-2010

  8. Temporary leave from the institution

    Publication | 12-02-2010

  9. Best not to abolish the Fokkens Regulation

    Publication | 02-02-2010

  10. Offenders under a hospital order out of the prison system

    Publication | 23-12-2009